
To address the climate crisis, it's not nearly enough to get off fossil fuels. 30% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by deforestation and the abuse of land. Our mission embraces both prevention and cure.

  1. We must protect our remaining forests and wetlands as carbon sinks; and
  2. We must change how we manage farms, ranches and other landscapes so we pull carbon out of the air and return it to soils and living systems. Thus we can both mitigate and adapt to climate change, with many other benefits for soil, water, health and species diversity.

Our Strategy and Focus

We must change the policies and billions in subsidies which now drive and reward deforestation and the most destructive forms of agriculture. Incentives must shift to reward innovative stewardship of living systems. We look for visionary leaders and organizations that are leading the way in addressing climate change through land use management and advocacy. Our intent is to address the drivers of the systems leading to climate change, rather than to protect a particular landscape, forest, or farm. We fund efforts to regenerate ecosystems, along with efforts to reduce harm while thinking about the whole system.

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